Have you ever wondered what makes someone popular or unpopular?
There is no denying that popularity has long been a coveted attribute in human society. We admire those who effortlessly navigate social interactions, charming others with their charisma and attracting attention.
People who are popular also tend to enjoy leverage in relationships, career progression, and life in general.
However, on the flip side, unpopular ones are not so lucky and suffer from feelings of isolation and low self-esteem. It is rather a distressing experience for them that hurts the quality of life.
We have all experienced the dynamics of popularity at some point in our lives where everything seemed to be clicking but what exactly made this happen? What makes someone popular or unpopular?
Worry no more as in this article, we will delve into the factors that contribute to popularity and unpopularity and shed light on the intricate dynamics that shape social perceptions.
We will also see why do people like to be popular and how to become a popular person.
So, without wasting any time, let’s move forward.
Why Do People Like to Be Popular?
Popularity and fame have always been one of the most sought things since the dawn of time.
Some people in the pursuit of popularity have gone to great lengths to the extent of even risking their lives.
This would make anyone curious about why do people like to be popular and famous.
The answer actually is much simpler.
It gives us a sense of security and social acceptance. When someone is popular, it means that he’s admired, respected, and looked up to.
All these aspects can be directly translated into human needs. No wonder why most people crave being popular, it’s not the popularity itself that matters but the promises it holds.
What Makes Someone Popular or Unpopular?
Popularity or unpopularity are intriguing aspects of human interactions that significantly impact our social lives. Most of us just keep playing the guessing and never really figure out what makes someone popular or unpopular.
However, you don’t have to do that as we will do the dirty work for you and break down this seemingly difficult task into simple measures to make you well-equipped on dominating life.
So, without further ado, let’s move forward.
Factors That Contribute to The Popularity
1. Physical Appearance

It is undeniable that physical appearance plays a significant role in how others perceive us and can greatly influence our popularity. It is undoubtedly a massive factor when it comes to what makes someone popular or unpopular.
No wonder why the Instagram models have so much easier time attracting an audience and growing their popularity, many thanks to their aesthetics.
Studies have shown that our outer appearance can impact social perception and contribute to initial impressions. Those who are more gifted in the appearances department are perceived as more intelligent, kind, and possessing other positive traits as well.
This is known as the Halo Effect where likability in one aspect of someone’s personality influences their perceived superiority in other areas without any evidence.
Individuals who are deemed physically attractive often find it easier to gain popularity as people naturally want to associate themselves with aesthetically pleasing individuals.
However, there are exceptions of course but the physical appearance has deep roots with popularity.
2. Skills and Talent
Do you know Cristiano Ronaldo or Leonel Messi? Well, why you wouldn’t? After all, they are massively popular.
But what do you think could be the reason? Of course their extraordinary abilities on the field that have captivated millions of fans worldwide making them highly popular figures in the sports realm.
It is no secret that possessing exceptional skills and talents can significantly boost one’s popularity. Whether it’s academic prowess, artistic abilities, athletic skills, or any other noteworthy talent.
It’s like reinforcing your brand identity and attracting attention from admirers and enthusiasts alike.
People are naturally drawn to those who excel in their respective domains, as they become a source of inspiration and admiration.
3. Social Skills and Charisma

Now let’s talk about charisma!
What makes someone popular or unpopular has long ties to their ability to do well in public relations.
In the realm of popularity, individuals who possess excellent communication skills and charismatic demeanor often tend to attract others effortlessly.
Those with exceptional skills in building rapport and forging bonds have an unparalleled advantage of extending their web of influence.
Charismatic individuals have a natural charm of being magnetic and engaging that draws people towards them. They know the art of conveying their thoughts and ideas in a captivating manner which in turn mesmerizes individuals.
It doesn’t stop there only and sets off a domino effect initiating a chain of events leading to even greater popularity. As they establish more relationships, they are presented with more opportunities to further increase their influence and popularity.
Politicians and motivational speakers often possess such skills enabling them to gain widespread popularity.
So, the next time someone talks about charisma. take notes.
4. Kindness and Empathy

In a world often characterized by self-centeredness and the fast-paced nature of modern life, kindness, and empathy have become increasingly scarce.
People worldwide are preoccupied with their problems and challenges, that they find warmth and compassion to be rare commodities.
However, in the midst of these crises, individuals who exhibit kindness and empathy are bound to be popular.
When people interact with them, they can’t help but feel charmed by the rare attention and understanding they receive.
Acts of kindness and genuine empathy create lasting connections and foster a sense of loyalty.
Philanthropists, social activists, and individuals known for their selfless acts of kindness often gain popularity due to their genuine care for others and ability to positively impact society.
A word of advice if you want to quadruple your popularity, buy some empathy.
5. Authenticity
Authenticity has deep-rooted connections with what makes someone popular or unpopular.
In an era of social media, where narcissism is at all-time high and many resorts to fake measures to appear likable, authenticity stands out as a powerful commodity capable of skyrocketing one’s popularity.
In a world filled with superficiality, authenticity is no doubt a rare gem.
When someone is true to themselves, not only do people love to be around them but also trust them due to their genuineness.
Such individuals tend to earn popularity by embracing their values and inspiring others to create a sense of authenticity in a world that often values facades over genuine human connection.
Well deserved for popularity, aren’t they?
Factors That Contribute to The Unpopularity
1. Self-Obsession

Profound self-centeredness is a huge factor that can contribute to an individual’s unpopularity.
It is a huge turnoff and those who constantly try to enter the limelight and prioritize their own needs, desires, and interests above others struggle to establish and maintain healthy relationships.
And why wouldn’t that? The dynamics of this world are based on balanced attributes and are directly connected to what makes someone popular or unpopular.
People being all into themselves often slip revolve mainly around themselves, and may even exhibit a lack of genuine interest in others.
Such behavior can create an imbalanced and one-sided dynamic where the needs and feelings of one person are consistently ignored and undervalued by the other party.
Seriously, who would like to hang around such a person?
2. Poor Social Skills

A significant factor that contributes to the unpopularity of an individual is the lack of social skills and ineffective communication abilities.
Such individuals often have a hard time connecting with others and struggle to forge strong bonds due to various aspects of social interactions.
They may frequently run into awkward situations, struggle to maintain eye contact, or behave inappropriately around others which can make them look uninterested in the conversation.
Those with a severe lack of social skills may decide to avoid social interactions altogether and miss any chance of building relationships.
As a result, their social circle of life becomes significantly limited manifesting itself to doom their chances of gaining any popularity.
3. Lack of Empathy
It is no secret that ability to understand others and put yourself into their shoes plays an instrumental role in building and maintaining relationships.
However, individuals struggling with empathy often find it difficult to comprehend and connect with the emotions of others and find it challenging to relate to their experiences.
They constantly fail to understand the perspective of others leading to constant conflicts and unpleasant experiences.
They are also likely to gain a reputation for being insensitive and uncaring due to their lack of empathy which can be a big blow to their popularity.
Once, you get labeled with apathy, it’s quite difficult to make any comeback.
4. Pessimistic Attitude

For a fair share, what makes someone popular or unpopular boils down to their attitude towards challenges and life in general.
A negative and pessimistic attitude toward life can severely downgrade the popularity of the person.
Those who are consistently enveloped and wrapped around negativity have a very repulsive aura. They tend to bing down the atmosphere and overall mood of people around them.
They are constantly found criticizing, complaining, and focusing on the negative side of any given situation which creates a very toxic environment.
The demeanor of such people can be very draining and unappealing.
Given the already challenging dynamics of the world, why would anyone like to be around a person who would only drag him down further and infect him with depression?
5. Untrustworthiness
Trust serves as a foundation for any successful relationship, whether it be a friendship, romantic or professional one. It is impossible to forge a strong bond without any trust.
However, individuals who are constantly indulged in untrustworthy behaviors such as lying, breaking promises, or betraying confidence, severely weaken their bonds with others.
One thing about trust is once it is broken, is very difficult to regenerate as no one is willing to take chances over such a person as he runs the risk of being betrayed again.
And once the reputation of such an individual is disdained, everyone is likely to avoid such a person.
The unpopularity arising from this can isolate the individual and hinder his chances of developing any meaningful connection with others.
How to Become a Popular Person
So far, we had been doing an extensive analysis of what makes someone popular or unpopular. Now let’s see what small steps you can take as an individual to become a popular person.
1. Build a Positive Reputation

Popularity is all about reputation. And it doesn’t come off as a surprise that cultivating your reputation can ultimately increase your popularity.
When you build a reputation in a certain area, people are very likely to talk about and share it with each other. And you can’t help but gain popularity rapidly.
But how you chose to gain a reputation matters a lot. You should be looking into doing it through positive means.
Try being reliable, trustworthy, and someone who shows integrity in his words and actions. Treat others with kindness and respect and avoid gossip, they can damage your reputation really fast.
When people begin to perceive you as someone who is genuine and respectful, they are bound to be drawn to you, it’s science!
2. Develop Your Social Skills

Social skills and popularity go hand in hand as both are interlinked so much so that it is impossible to separate them.
Having good social skills allow you to connect with others at deeper and make your interpersonal interactions more fulfilling and rewarding. You are directly going to improve your social network and thus increase your influence.
The better the social skills, the larger the network and ultimately larger your popularity. Profit!
But how to do it?
First of all, learn to be an active and good listener. Encourage them to talk about themselves and give them your undivided attention. Listen actively as they talk.
Make an effort to connect with others by being genuinely interested in them. Be friendly, approachable, and respectful to everyone you interact with.
3. Find and Develop Your Passion

A lot of people when in pursuit to impress others or simply trying to get in their good books come off as desperate. Not only it is contradicting their goal but also a huge turn-off for others.
Luckily, an easy workaround exists.
Try to find your passion. Do some self-awareness practices to reflect on your beliefs and deep desires and try to deduce what is it that you want in life.
When you are passionate about something, you will have a much easier time carrying it forward and sticking to it. Since it is something that you enjoy, you will be growing exponentially, making a mark on everyone around you.
You will soon begin to be perceived as an expert and role model when it comes to that particular domain, a perfect ingredient to get popular.

This brings us to the end of the article.
We hope you could get insights into what makes someone popular or unpopular, with both being discussed in detail in separate sections.
Let’s have a quick recap.
First, we explored the factors contributing to the popularity of an individual.
Starting with physical appearance, we could see how important our appearance can be when it comes to influencing people and gaining popularity. Your hygiene matters a lot too.
Then we could see how skills and talents effects the popularity of an individual followed by Social skills and charisma.
On the fourth, we could see the role of kindness in forging a strong bond with others, thus boosting popularity. And last but not least, we could see how authenticity can play its role in influencing the popularity of an individual.
Then we explored factors that lead to the unpopularity of an individual starting with self-obsession. Such self-centered, quite busy praising themselves individuals don’t get to develop a meaningful bond with others, sabotaging their popularity big time.
Social skills, the means of connecting with others, if not up to mark can lead to many embarrassing and awkward situations, waving goodbye to any chances of popularity.
Then the lack of empathy could be seen with its effect leading to the unpopularity of an individual followed by a perception of a negative attitude towards life and then finally untrustworthiness.
That concludes things for us. You would now have developed a good perception of factors affecting the popularity of a person. If you found this content valuable, share it with your friends to see what they think.
Which one of these factors do you think is the most common? Let us know in the comments below!
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