You must have heard about the law of attraction but do you know about the Law of Resonance? If not then here’s a quick introduction.
The Law of Resonance simply means that you’ll attract in life who you are. If you are happy, you will attract happiness, if you are abundant then you will attract abundance.
And if you are suffering then you will attract more suffering.
Whatever you are in life, you will attract the same to you.
Is The Law of Resonance and The Law of Attraction the Same?
This question bugs a lot of people and here’s a simple answer.
The law of resonance is a part of the law of attraction and both are interlinked. One can’t work without the other.
The Law of Attraction states that your thoughts can alter your reality and works like this.
- You think positively about what you want in life.
- You begin to feel good about it.
- You take inspired action.
- You get whatever you want.
The second and third point is the law of resonance. And the reason why a lot of people can’t use the law of attraction correctly is because of this.
If you can understand how to use the law of resonance, you’ll be moving mountains in no time.
How Do the Resonance and The Law of Attraction Work?

One of our clients was always skeptical of the law of attraction and said that it doesn’t work. A deeper look into his case revealed he has been doing the thing incorrectly all along.
Thinking positively of acquiring your goal isn’t enough, a mere thought isn’t going to cut it.
You have to embrace the thought and live it in the moment as if it has already occurred.
Because keep one thing clear in your mind, you attract who you are. If you want to attract your goal, you first have to become that goal in your mind and then the manifestation of it is just a matter of time.
Your thought should be empowering and needs to be felt so deeply by you, that you take it to be real. If you do this correctly, you will naturally see a shift in your attitude.
You will feel a confidence that you never felt before and naturally feel acquiring your goal is easy.
Your aura and unleashed confidence will make you inclined to take steps that will lead to your goal. And that’s how the resonance and the law of attraction work together.
How to Use the Law of Resonance to Get What You Want
The process has already been discussed briefly above. Now let’s see in detail how to use the law of resonance and start attracting it in no time.
1. Cut Out Negativity in Your Life

This single aspect of negativity is capable of sabotaging everything when it comes to the manifestation of your dream life.
Remember, you need to feel good and be good to attract good.
And if you are absorbing all the naysaying, negativity, and depression, how can you expect yourself to succeed?
Therefore, the most important thing that you can do to attract good is to cut out negativity from your life.
All the naysayers telling you how you can’t certain things, shut them out of your life straight away. They are not worth your time and effort to argue around.
Learn to control your emotions in the face of difficult interactions to avoid falling in the loophole and preserve your energy.
If the negativity is such that it is unavoidable, try to limit its exposure as much as you can. Limit interactions with such people if any at all and ignore all the depressing things they love to bombard you with.
2. Develop the Right Attitude

This is the essence of the Law of Resonance.
Napoleon Bonaparte once asked a palmist if he could be the king and was denied. He asked him how the line of being king look on the hand, and the palmist then told him.
Napoleon drew such a line with his knife and asked again if he could be the king. The palmist was astonished.
Although we don’t believe in the palmist or seer thing, we wanted to highlight the single-mindedness of Napolean Bonaparte.
Such is the attitude you need when approaching your goals. Doesn’t matter what others are telling you, you just remain focused and be single-minded about it and it will come eventually.
Consider yourself getting whatever your goal is, feel the feelings you will get upon obtaining it, and walk, talk, move, or behave the way you would do it if you got it now.
Develop the attitude and embrace it, and it’s just a matter of time till you get it.
3. Practice Gratitude

If you want one only single that can mark a big change in your, it’s none other than gratitude.
Gratitude has numerous profound benefits on your well-being. It helps in stress management, cuts short negativity, and elevates your mood.
It’s impossible to be anxious and gratified at the same time.
Focus on the thing you already have and appreciate yourself for how far you have made in life.
Make a habit and practice it for merely a month and see the massive shift in your life yourself:
- When you go to sleep, count 10 blessings.
- When you wake up, count another 10 blessings.
When you pay gratitude, you are being someone abundant. When you make It a habit and keep doing it as second nature, you fundamentally become abundant.
And since you attract who you are in life, you attract more abundance for being abundant in the first place.
4. Let Go What You Want to Get it

Wait, what? For real?
Actually yes! And a big yes!
There is a thing line between being desperate and passionate. When you become desperate to reach your dreams, begin to panic, and become mad about how long will it take to get them, you become someone with a lack.
Since you lack it in the first place that’s why you are being desperate. And now you are someone with a lack, you are going to attract more lack.
It is supported by science with the name of Meta-Cognition, your ability to think about your thoughts.
Thought of lack creates more thoughts of lack and grief is just added to it, and this compounding effect leads to turmoil and destroys your motivation.
That’s why you feel so helpless and unworthy when you feel far away from your goal. You can suddenly feel depression and grief and even become doubtful if you will ever get it.
When you are fine with a failure even though he deeply desires it, you reduce the resistance.
You free your mind from the unnecessary burden of panicking what if I don’t get it?
When you free your energy from this mess, you can then use it to cultivate your dream life rather than stress it.
5. Patience and Consistency

Rome wasn’t built in one day.
All the great things take time. It’s no different in your case.
Consistency is the single most important aspect that can set you apart from more than roughly 95% of people. How many great ideas and efforts do we see dying just because they couldn’t hold it long enough?
And it’s not rocket science either. You can see from the common observance in your life that anything you put your hands into for long enough, you can learn it.
You can learn piano or guitar or swimming or even being lazy.
That’s why a lot of people are lazy as they are so good at it, and have been mastering it over the years.
Given time, the seed grows into a giant tree and so can you. Just keep believing in yourself and keep going in the direction of your dreams and manifesting them is just a matter of time.
Just because it is seeming hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If it would have been easy, a lot of people would be doing it already and that goal wouldn’t be as much worthy.
Finally, we have reached the end. This short article was to only give you an idea of what is the Law of Resonance and how to use the law of resonance to win in your life.
Let’s have a quick recap.
The law of Resonance means that you will attract the events in your life according to who you are rather than what you want.
You have to adopt a winning attitude to be a winner, you have to have faith in your abilities to accomplish your dreams.
Your mindset plays a crucial role in your success and you have to keep it aligned with your aims.
To use the resonance and the law of attraction, first of all, cut out the negativity in your life.
To keep yourself motivated and wrapped with a winner mentality, approach everything in the right and practice gratitude.
Gratitude can single-handedly elevate your mood to the next level and make you genuinely happy. It makes you grateful meaning that you will be attracting more things to be grateful for.
Don’t cling to your desires however or you are prone to be desperate which in turn creates resistance. Be okay with the idea of failing to free your mind of unnecessary stress and buy yourself more energy to be creative.
And last but not least, be consistent and patient for all the great things take time. And you are also destined to be great!
If you have any queries or suggestions, feel free to approach us, and we will timely get to you. Share with your friends to know what they think of it.
Have you ever experienced the law of resonance functioning in your life? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear you.
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