A question relatable to most people in this age is, how to impress a boss who doesn’t like you?
There might be a lot of speculations going on in your mind about what could be potential reasons your boss is giving you a different treatment and you just can’t seem to get in his good books.
But it only makes your mind go in the loophole as you keep trying to figure it out.
But let’s put it to an end forever as we will drive you through powerful tips that will make you impress your difficult boss in no time.
So let’s dive and be sure to stick with us as you don’t want to miss it.
Why Doesn’t My Boss Like Me?

There can be numerous reasons why is your boss giving you tough time.
It could be related to something as simple as a clash of personalities or interests or maybe something personal like not liking your hair color. Well, not so personal but still something.
The world is huge and powered by people of different classes from different backgrounds doing different things in different ways. So it is quite common to find someone not getting along with you.
The same could be the case between you and your boss.
You might want to do things a bit slowly but with precision while your boss keeps meeting the deadline a priority. Your precision of the work here won’t matter much and will play negatively for you. Why? Because precision isn’t your boss’ preference, completion time is.
That’s why an average Joe who makes some mistakes but makes sure to deliver it on time is your boss’ favorite.
The objective of this article is not to give a long list of why your boss doesn’t like you, however, it was essential to know the background a bit to get the idea.
How to Impress a Boss Who Doesn’t Like You?
If you want to impress a boss who doesn’t like you, you should have some patience and commitment for these tips to work. Without further ado, let’s see what we have in our hands.
1. Align Your Perspective With Theirs

How Does Aligning Your Perspective With Your Boss Help?
This one is a deal-maker or breaker.
We have been brought up with certain beliefs and experiences that have shaped our perspective of things in a certain way.
A lot of things in life are subjective. There are no right or wrong ways to do them.
The reality is even though it depends upon your preference but still people insist on their way.
The funny thing is, for those whose perspectives align with ours, we develop a liking for them. Due to the common interest, a rapport is built as we are bound like those who are like us.
Your boss is also a human and has a certain perspective himself. Use it to your advantage.
How To Align Your Perspective With That Of Your Boss?
Understand his perspective, look for his priorities, and adjust yourself according to them.
Does he have a formal working style or keep things loose with his teammates? Or does he stick to the rules or think outside the box?
Identify these elements and then adjust yourself accordingly to win the lottery. Not only will you build rapport with your boss but also reduce the chances of getting in conflict with him.
2. Exceed Expectations
How Exceeding Expectations Impresses Your Boss?
Doesn’t matter if your boss belittles you or considers you inferior, there is a secret weapon to even impress a boss who doesn’t like you. I have personally used it and it works wonders.
Here’s how.
We, humans, are judgmental, always judging what is going to happen. We judge by our appearance, and persona and develop our mindset accordingly.
Your boss will also have a certain perception of you. But that’s not our concern.
If he thinks of you as stupid then let him be and focus solely on the activities at hand.
How To Exceed Expectations Effortlessly?
Let’s say you got some project tasks, invest yourself in them. Do whatever you can to make it better and lay low till you get it done.
You’re absence due to lying low might temporarily make your boss complain but as soon as you deliver him the objective, things will change instantly.
Not only will it impress your boss, but also make him humiliated for doubting you.
3. Seek Feedback

Can Seeking Feedback Get You In The Good Books Of Your Boss?
You must have attended such restaurants where the representatives ask for your feedback.
What are your views on these restaurants? How do they touch you?
Sincerity, right? They appear sincere, diligent, and eager to do what they are doing with more improvement.
That’s the power of this small gesture.
There is no harm in borrowing this tactic from these restaurants and apply in your workplace. Is it?
How To Seek Feedback Strategically?
Next time you deliver him any work, just ask if you could receive feedback to make thighs better.
It will exhibit you love what you do and actually do care how your progress had been.
It signals temperament and desire to be efficient.
Who wouldn’t be impressed by such a person? Huh?
4. Adapt Your Communication Style
How Can Communication Skills Impress Your Boss?
Communication is literally everything and your best ally if you are looking to impress a boss who doesn’t like you. How well you can communicate will directly reflect a hefty share of what you’ll achieve.
People don’t have any ability to peek at what lies inside of you. They will judge you based on what you project on them.
That’s why communication is so important. It basically tells others about who are you and what’s your worth.
Nikola Tesla was a freaking genius man but wasn’t a master communicator. He died in poverty and couldn’t get in his the recognition and acknowledgment he deserved.
Edison on the other hand, despite not being that bright was highly successful in financial matters and rose to heights of power.
Because he knew how to communicate.
Your capabilities are like treasure but communicating is the key. You may be hosting the world’s best jewels but no one’s going to believe you unless you open it.
How To Deploy Your Communication Skills To Impress Your Boss
There is no shortcut to it. The only way to improve your communication skills is to step out of your comfort zone and expose yourself to uncomfortable situations. Learn to be assertive in your talk, and deliver it with conviction.
Practice Naval Box Breathing before encountering a challenging social situation, it will keep your mind from being anxious, and try being relaxed in general.
Mastering this can time, however, if you can manage it somehow, half the battle is already over.
5. Be A Solution Oriented

Can Being Solution-Oriented Make You Impressive?
The world is full of problems. What makes it even more problematic is that people love to mourn about problems.
They will go to lengths talking about the hardship they face in life. Since they are easy to blame for one’s life failures.
Talking about problems isn’t going to solve them anyway if that’s only what you’re going to do. So why focus on it anyway?
Those who are solution-oriented have an irresistible aura that will make people stick with them. In a world where positivity is so scarce, you’ll be like a gem to the people around you and even impress a boss who doesn’t like you.
What To Do To Be Solution-Oriented?
Here’s how you can exploit it to impress your boss.
You stand at the solution to challenges.
Cultivate a mindset that when encountered with a problem, you say that’s what we have at hand and what else can I do.
Use your past mistakes to shape your future for the better.
Assess what went wrong and what could have been done to make things right. After figuring out, close the chapter of the past, no need to mourn it.
Now devise a strategy to implement the lesson for the future.
Doing so will not only save you from boggling your mind unnecessarily but surround you with positive energy.
You will be taking down your problems one after the other while others will be busy talking about them.
It is impressive, right? Such is what your boss is going to say for sure.
6. Show Initiative
Does Showing Initiative Impress Your Boss?
Taking initiative works wonders if you want to impress a boss who doesn’t like you.
As discussed already, we judge people and circumstances based on what they project to us.
When someone takes the initiative of something, it gives several positive impressions.
They seem diligent and sincere, looking for ways to meet an objective. They also appear risk takers and one who gets the job done. Such qualities are sure to impress anyone let alone your boss.
How To Take Initiative Without Seeming Desperate
It’s simple yet many people mess this up. They either appear desperate or don’t appear serious enough.
But you don’t have to go through these as you are going to see a tried and trusted way.
To take initiative in any task, let’s say that of projects, approach your boss in one on one setting and tell him how you are interested in carrying it out.
Be assertive in your tone and straightforward, like I am interested in such and such task and am sure it will benefit the team in this way.
The reason why it works is, your boss is going to take you more seriously in one on one setting rather than in a meeting, and being clear and straightforward shows that you are determined to do it.
7. Stay Positive And Professional

How Can Staying Professional Impress Your Boss?
Being a professional means one maintains a composed, calm and respectful demeanor and is supportive toward the people around him.
He appreciates others and gives credit where due and doesn’t let personal feelings intervene.
Who doesn’t like such a person?
Especially when narcissism and ego are prevailing all around us, the positive impact of professional characteristics is magnified, a sure way to impress a boss who doesn’t like you.
How To Maintain A Professional Demeanor
Maintaining a professional demeanor starts with controlling your emotions. Emotions are the real culprit when it comes to taking an impulsive action or saying something you regret later on.
Controlling them starts with being aware of your biases as a human, for example, confirmation or conviction bias to catch yourself as you begin to slip.
Learn to be empathic and be supportive of the people around you. It will also help you to broaden your perspective and tackle the situation from different angles.
Appreciate others for whatever small favor they do for you. Seemingly small gestures like ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ increases your charisma and make you a pleasant person to be around.
This brings us to the end of the article.
Let’s have a quick recap on what you can do to impress your boss.
Build rapport with your boss by finding common interests. We humans are bound to like those who are familiar to us and common interests can set you up really well with it.
Deliver more than your boss expects you to do so, however, lay low to make this strategy tenfold effective by the virtue of contrast psychological principle.
Seek feedback from your boss, it adds to your sincerity and determination. It also makes you look eager to learn and contribute more.
Work on your communication skill as this is crucial to navigate through the workplace dynamics and learn to look at the solution end of the challenges you face. There isn’t really any benefit in dwelling on the problem without any learning intention.
Take initiative and be proactive. Don’t wait for the instructions, handle the tasks individually. It signals strong decision-making skills. And lastly, be professional and humble as there is nothing worse than an egotistical, self-centered individual.
That sums up pretty much everything. We hope you could benefit from simple yet effective strategies to impress a boss who doesn’t like you.
What are your thoughts on it? Which one did you find the most useful? Let us know in the comments below.
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